Dear President-Elect Trump,
It's November 24th, and though I run a small farm and am up early every day anyway, I'm up this morning - not readying myself to make Thanksgiving dinner - but writing to you about my frustration over your pick for US Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos.
As you began considering a USDE appointment, my fellow Common Core fighters across the country and I, Tweeted you - and even publicly published (and signed) a letter to you - with our USDE Secretary picks (which got thousands of signatures in three days) and specific policy changes (signed by leading anti-CC activists in nearly all 50 states) we had hoped you'd address. I thought you might hear us because of our combined years of boots-on-the-ground education policy experience. I also thought you might understand and appreciate the viewpoint of us 'little guys' in the 'middle' - the forgotten people you said you'd champion on the campaign trail. Oh well; I'm no stranger to campaign rhetoric and broken political promises, yet I had hoped for a change (insert eye-roll and sigh). Nevertheless, I'm hoping you read my specific concerns resting on everything I've read about Betsy DeVos in the last several days.
First: education experience counts
DeVos has zero experience in public education outside philanthropy. She apparently was educated in private schools and sent her children to private schools.